KiSSFLOW Integrations
How to integrate with KiSSFLOW?
Top KiSSFLOW integrations
Automation platforms that support KiSSFLOW
KiSSFLOW is supported by 2 workflow automation platforms. Automation platforms allow you to integrate KiSSFLOW with many other SaaS applications without developing connectors and dealing with APIs.
Use Make.com or Zapier no-code automation platforms to visually design and build your KiSSFLOW workflows.
Below we have listed 2 automation platforms that support KiSSFLOW.
- Pricing Options
- FreemiumFree Trial
- Starting From
- 10$/month
- Pricing Options
- FreemiumFree Trial
- Starting From
- 30$/month
Supported KiSSFLOW Triggers and Actions
We have collected all KiSSFLOW triggers and actions that you can use to build your workflow.
Below you can find 3 triggers and 24 actions from 2 integration services.
Change of workflow step
Triggers when a request in a particular workflow process moves from one step to another step. The action performed to initiate this move like Approve or Reject will be provided as an additional input to the trigger.
triggerbyzapierWatch process items
Triggers when a process item is created, updated or completed.
triggerbyintegromatWatch channel announcements
Triggers when a channel announcement is created or updated.
Submit a new request
Initiates a new request for a chosen process , populates requisite fields and then submits the request for processing.
actionbyzapierCreate a draft request
Creates a new request for a chosen process , populates requisite fields and saves it in the 'Draft' folder of KiSSFLOW.
actionbyzapierApprove a request
Approve a request to move it to its next step in the workflow process.
actionbyzapierDelete a process item
Deletes a process item.
actionbyintegromatGet a process item
Retrieves a process item.
actionbyintegromatList channel announcements
Retrieves a list of the announcements in a channel.
Popular KiSSFLOW Automation Workflows
We found for you the most popular automation templates where KiSSFLOW is used.
Related Categories
Most often, KiSSFLOW is integrated with tools from Emails, Help Desk, Form Builders and Documents categories.