
Makesbridge Integrations

Marketing Automation & Lead Nurturing Platform

How to integrate with Makesbridge?

You can integrate with Makesbridge using Zapier workflow automation platform.

Top Makesbridge integrations

The most popular Makesbridge integrations are Drift, ClickSend SMS, Parserr, ClickFunnels and DocuSign. Below you can explore a list of popular 31 tools that integrate with Makesbridge.

Automation platforms that support Makesbridge

Makesbridge is supported by 1 workflow automation platform. Automation platforms allow you to integrate Makesbridge with many other SaaS applications without developing connectors and dealing with APIs.

Use Zapier no-code automation platform to visually design and build your Makesbridge workflows.

Supported Makesbridge Triggers and Actions

We have collected all Makesbridge triggers and actions that you can use to build your workflow.

Below you can find 2 triggers and 5 actions from 1 integration service.

  • Makesbridge

    New exported contact from workflow

    Triggers when a contact opens, clicks, or visits your website through a workflow. You may also select custom export triggers from your Makesbridge account.

  • Makesbridge

    New exported contact from autobot

    Triggers when a contact opens, clicks or visits your website. You may also select custom export triggers from your Makesbridge account.

  • Makesbridge

    Create or update contact

    Creates a new contact, or updates an existing contact.

  • Makesbridge

    Create, update, and tag contacts

    Automatically add new contacts, update contact field values, and assign tags to contact records.

  • Makesbridge

    Insert a contact into workflow

    Directly insert a Contact into a Workflow at any Step you specify in the Add from Zapier section of a Makesbridge Workflow. This is useful when you want to add contacts into automated flows regardless of the Workflow's rule filters. For example, if a Contact converts on a new landing page and doesn't meet Workflow rules but should be added to a New Lead Follow Up Workflow.

  • Makesbridge

    Suppress subscriber

    Add a subscriber to a suppress list.

  • Makesbridge

    Remove a contact from workflow

    Directly removes Contacts from a Workflow. This is useful when you need remove a Contact that is no longer aligned with the Workflow's objective, yet their attributes still meet the Workflow's criteria. For example, instantly remove a Contact from a Sales Meeting Outreach workflow when they set a meeting using Calendly.


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