RallyUp Integrations
How to integrate with RallyUp?
You can integrate with RallyUp using Zapier workflow automation platform.
Top RallyUp integrations
The most popular RallyUp integrations are Facebook Custom Audiences, Keap, ActiveCampaign, Buffer and Mailchimp. Below you can explore a list of popular 18 tools that integrate with RallyUp.
Social Media Marketing
Automation platforms that support RallyUp
RallyUp is supported by 1 workflow automation platform. Automation platforms allow you to integrate RallyUp with many other SaaS applications without developing connectors and dealing with APIs.
Use Zapier no-code automation platform to visually design and build your RallyUp workflows.
- Pricing Options
- FreemiumFree Trial
- Starting From
- 30$/month
Supported RallyUp Triggers and Actions
We have collected all RallyUp triggers and actions that you can use to build your workflow.
Below you can find 20 triggers and from 1 integration service.
Transaction made
Triggers when a new transaction is submitted on your Campaign, whether through Checkout or through Campaign Management.
triggerbyzapierAuction winners determined
Triggers when the winner’s list is completely populated on any auction in the organization’s account. In other words, when the auction is finished processing and the winner’s list is totally populated.
triggerbyzapierSweepstakes winners determined
Triggers when the winner drawing process is completed on any sweepstakes under this organization’s account.
triggerbyzapierLive stream started
Triggers when a live stream is started on any of an organization’s campaigns.
triggerbyzapierRaffle winners determined
Triggers when the winner drawing process is completed on any raffle under this organization’s account.
triggerbyzapierRecurring donation made
Triggers when a recurring payment is made on a Campaign, which includes the first recurrence as well as any subsequent recurrences.
Related Categories
Most often, RallyUp is integrated with tools from CRM, Email Marketing, Advertising and Nonprofit CRM categories.