Google Assistant

Google Assistant Integrations

AI-powered virtual assistant by Google

How to integrate with Google Assistant?

You can integrate with Google Assistant using Zapier or IFTTT workflow automation platforms.

Top Google Assistant integrations

The most popular Google Assistant integrations are TickTick, Discord, Google Tasks, Arlo and Google Contacts. Below you can explore a list of popular 47 tools that integrate with Google Assistant.

Automation platforms that support Google Assistant

Google Assistant is supported by 2 workflow automation platforms. Automation platforms allow you to integrate Google Assistant with many other SaaS applications without developing connectors and dealing with APIs.

Use Zapier or IFTTT no-code automation platforms to visually design and build your Google Assistant workflows.

Below we have listed 2 automation platforms that support Google Assistant.

Supported Google Assistant Triggers and Actions

We have collected all Google Assistant triggers and actions that you can use to build your workflow.

Below you can find 5 triggers and from 2 integration services.

  • Google Assistant

    Say a simple phrase

    This trigger fires when you say “Ok Google” to the Google Assistant followed by a phrase you choose. For example, say “Ok Google, I’m running late” to text a family member that you’re on your way home.

  • Google Assistant

    Say a phrase with a text ingredient

    This trigger fires when you say “Ok Google” to the Google Assistant followed by a phrase like “Post a tweet saying ‘New high score.’” **Use the $ symbol to specify where you'll say the text ingredient

  • Google Assistant

    New pushed voice message

    Triggers when invoked via Google Assistant

  • Google Assistant

    Say a phrase with a number

    This trigger fires when you say “Ok Google” to the Google Assistant followed by a phrase like “Set Nest thermostat to 68.” **Use the # symbol to specify where you'll say the number ingredient

  • Google Assistant

    Say a phrase with both a number and a text ingredient

    This trigger fires when you say “Ok Google” to the Google Assistant followed by a phrase like “Block time for ‘exercise’ at 6 PM.” **Use the # symbol to specify where you'll say the number ingredient and $ where you'll say the text ingredient


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