A tool to find and verify work email addresses
Hunter Pricing, Features, Integrations and Alternatives
Hunter Overview
What is Hunter?
Hunter is a tool in the Email Marketing, Lead Generation, Contacts Management and Data Enrichment categories.
Hunter Alternatives
What are Hunter alternatives?
iContact, Campaign Monitor, Iterable and Omnisend are the most popular alternatives to Hunter. Email Marketing is the most popular app category among Hunter alternatives.
We have compiled a list of 71 Hunter competitors so that you can choose the right tool.
Hunter integrations
Which tools can be integrated with Hunter?
Gumroad, HubSpot, Reply, Email, Microsoft Excel, and Pipedrive are the most popular tools that Hunter integrates with.
Most often, Hunter is integrated with tools from Email Marketing, Emails, and Spreadsheets categories.
Zapier, Integromat, Integrately, Syncspider, N8n, Pipedream and Pabbly-connect are the most popular workflow automation services with built-in connectors between Hunter and other tools.
Explore a list of popular 23 tools that integrate with Hunter.
Hunter Triggers and Actions
New lead
Triggers when a new lead is created.
triggerbyzapierEmail replied
Triggers when an email you sent within the campaigns gets a reply.
triggerbyzapierNew campaign
Triggers when a new campaign is available to your account.
triggerbyzapierEmail read
Triggers when an email you sent within the campaign is read.
triggerbyzapierWatch campaigns
Triggers when a new campaign is available to your account.
triggerbyintegromatEmail is replied
Email is replied
Create lead
Creates a new lead.
actionbyzapierintegratelyVerify an email
Verifies the deliverability of an email address.
actionbyintegromatCreate a lead
Creates a new lead.
actionbyintegromatpabbly-connectFind email
Generates the most likely email address from a domain name or a company name, a first name and a last name.
actionbyzapierVerify email
Checks if a given email address is deliverable and has been found on the Internet.
actionbyzapierintegratelyFind an email
Generates or retrieves the most likely email address from a domain name, a first name and a last name.
Popular Automation Scenarios using Hunter
Frequently Asked Questions
What are Hunter's top competitors?
- iContact, Campaign Monitor, and Iterable are the most popular alternatives to Hunter.
What apps integrate with Hunter
- Gumroad, HubSpot, Reply, Email, Microsoft Excel, and Pipedrive are the most popular tools that Hunter integrates with.