Huddo Boards
Huddo Boards Pricing, Features, Integrations and Alternatives
Huddo Boards Overview
What is Huddo Boards?
Huddo Boards is a tool in the Project Management category.
Huddo Boards integrations
Which tools can be integrated with Huddo Boards?
Google Tasks, Todoist, Microsoft Outlook, and Microsoft To Do are the most popular tools that Huddo Boards integrates with.
Most often, Huddo Boards is integrated with tools from Task Management, Emails, and categories.
Zapier, Microsoft-flow and Integromat are the most popular workflow automation services with built-in connectors between Huddo Boards and other tools.
Explore a list of popular 4 tools that integrate with Huddo Boards.
Huddo Boards Triggers and Actions
Assigned task
Triggers when you are assigned a Task.
triggerbyzapierAdded to board
Triggers when you are added to a board.
triggerbyzapierCard added to board
Triggers when a card is added to the board.
triggerbyzapierTask completed in board
Triggers when a task is completed in a specific board.
triggerbyzapierCompleted task
Triggers when you complete a Task.
Create card
Creates a Card
actionbyzapierCreate board
Creates a board
actionbyzapierFind board
Finds a board by name
actionbyzapierFind card
Finds a card in a specific Board
actionbyzapierFind cards
Finds all cards in a board
actionbyzapierFind member
Finds a board member by name
Frequently Asked Questions
What apps integrate with Huddo Boards
- Google Tasks, Todoist, Microsoft Outlook, and Microsoft To Do are the most popular tools that Huddo Boards integrates with.