Colligso TextIn

Colligso TextIn Integrations

How to integrate with Colligso TextIn?

You can integrate with Colligso TextIn using or Zapier workflow automation platforms.

Top Colligso TextIn integrations

The most popular Colligso TextIn integrations are Facebook Lead Ads, SurveyMonkey, Freshdesk, EasyCSV and Google Docs. Below you can explore a list of popular 13 tools that integrate with Colligso TextIn.

Automation platforms that support Colligso TextIn

Colligso TextIn is supported by 2 workflow automation platforms. Automation platforms allow you to integrate Colligso TextIn with many other SaaS applications without developing connectors and dealing with APIs.

Use or Zapier no-code automation platforms to visually design and build your Colligso TextIn workflows.

Below we have listed 2 automation platforms that support Colligso TextIn.

Supported Colligso TextIn Triggers and Actions

We have collected all Colligso TextIn triggers and actions that you can use to build your workflow.

Below you can find 7 actions from 2 integration services.

    • Colligso TextIn

      Get permission

      Opt-in for text marketing.

    • Colligso TextIn

      Create customer

      Import Customer from other app to your Colligso account. Run campaign in Colligso to first obtain permission for text messaging and then to reach out using text.

    • Colligso TextIn

      Create a customer

      Create a Customer in Colligso TextIn and get permission (opt-in) for text marketing.

    • Colligso TextIn

      Send message

      Sends a message (SMS)

    • Colligso TextIn

      Create order

      Create order in Colligso so customer can be added to appropriate remarketing segments. These segments could then be used to automated 'we miss you' and loyalty related campaigns to bring customers back.


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