How to integrate with Textiful?

You can integrate with Textiful using Zapier workflow automation platform.

Top Textiful integrations

The most popular Textiful integrations are Ontraport, ActiveCampaign, Google Calendar, Mailchimp and Flodesk. Below you can explore a list of popular 13 tools that integrate with Textiful.

Automation platforms that support Textiful

Textiful is supported by 1 workflow automation platform. Automation platforms allow you to integrate Textiful with many other SaaS applications without developing connectors and dealing with APIs.

Use Zapier no-code automation platform to visually design and build your Textiful workflows.

Supported Textiful Triggers and Actions

We have collected all Textiful triggers and actions that you can use to build your workflow.

Below you can find 1 trigger and 3 actions from 1 integration service.

  • Textiful

    New contact

    Triggers when a new contact is added to a Textiful campaign

  • Textiful

    Opt-in a new contact

    Opt-in a new contact into one or more text lists. Each number will have to reply "YES" or "Y" to a confirmation text that is sent to them before completing their enrollment.

  • Textiful

    Send text message to many contacts

    Send a broadcast text message to every eligible contacts in your Textiful account or to contacts in a specific text list. Contacts must already belong to your Textiful account to receive this message.

  • Textiful

    Send text message to single contact

    Send a text message to a contact. If the contact is new, an opt-in confirmation message will be sent asking for permission to receive text messages. New contacts will have to reply "YES" or "Y" to the opt-in text that is sent to them.


Related Categories

Most often, Textiful is integrated with tools from Email Marketing, Calendar, Email Newsletters and Form Builders categories.

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