GatewayAPI SMS Integrations
A global A2P SMS platform
How to integrate with GatewayAPI SMS?
Top GatewayAPI SMS integrations
The most popular GatewayAPI SMS integrations are Chargify, Trello, Marketo, Twitter and Google Calendar. Below you can explore a list of popular 27 tools that integrate with GatewayAPI SMS.
Marketing Automation
Automation platforms that support GatewayAPI SMS
GatewayAPI SMS is supported by 3 workflow automation platforms. Automation platforms allow you to integrate GatewayAPI SMS with many other SaaS applications without developing connectors and dealing with APIs.
Use Make.com, Zapier or IFTTT no-code automation platforms to visually design and build your GatewayAPI SMS workflows.
Below we have listed 3 automation platforms that support GatewayAPI SMS.
- Pricing Options
- FreemiumFree Trial
- Starting From
- 10$/month
- Pricing Options
- FreemiumFree Trial
- Starting From
- 30$/month
- Pricing Options
- FreemiumFree Trial
- Starting From
- 5$/month
Supported GatewayAPI SMS Triggers and Actions
We have collected all GatewayAPI SMS triggers and actions that you can use to build your workflow.
Below you can find 1 trigger and 16 actions from 3 integration services.
Account balance below certain point
This trigger fires once your account balance reaches a certain point.
Send sms
Sends an SMS message using your gatewayapi account.
actionbyzapieriftttSend an sms message
Sends an SMS message to a specified group of recipients
actionbyintegromatGet received messages
Returns all messages you have received on any of the virtual numbers associated with your account in a given timeframe.
actionbyzapierGet account balance
Returns the current balance of your GatewayAPI account.
actionbyzapierGet sms prices
Returns the price per SMS in different countries.
actionbyzapierList sms prices
Retrieves the SMS prices for over 200 countries available with GatewayAPI. Send your messages all over the world!
Popular GatewayAPI SMS Automation Workflows
We found for you the most popular automation templates where GatewayAPI SMS is used.
Related Categories
Most often, GatewayAPI SMS is integrated with tools from Ecommerce, Marketing Automation, Cloud Storage and Spreadsheets categories.