Cloze Integrations
How to integrate with Cloze?
You can integrate with Cloze using 4 automation platforms such as Make.com, Zapier, Integrately or Pipedream.
Top Cloze integrations
The most popular Cloze integrations are BoomTown, Follow Up Boss, Google Contacts, Realvolve and Calendly. Below you can explore a list of popular 34 tools that integrate with Cloze.
Appointments Scheduling
Automation platforms that support Cloze
Cloze is supported by 4 workflow automation platforms. Automation platforms allow you to integrate Cloze with many other SaaS applications without developing connectors and dealing with APIs.
Use Make.com, Zapier or Integrately no-code automation platforms to visually design and build your Cloze workflows.
Cloze is supported by a low-code automation platform - Pipedream. Low-code systems are less restrictive, but have a slightly steeper learning curve and may require you to understand the code.
Below we have listed 4 automation platforms that support Cloze.
- Pricing Options
- FreemiumFree Trial
- Starting From
- 10$/month
- Pricing Options
- FreemiumFree Trial
- Starting From
- 30$/month
- Pricing Options
- FreemiumFree Trial
- Starting From
- 30$/month
- Pricing Options
- FreemiumFree Trial
- Starting From
- 19$/month
Supported Cloze Triggers and Actions
We have collected all Cloze triggers and actions that you can use to build your workflow.
Below you can find 12 triggers and 40 actions from 4 integration services.
Person change
Triggers when a person is changed. Triggers on the major timeline audited changes like Segment, Stage, Step, Assignee or Custom Field changes.
triggerbyzapierWatch person audit changed
Triggers on the major timeline audited changes like Segment, Stage or Step has been changed.
triggerbyintegromatProject change
Triggers when a project is changed. Triggers on the major timeline audited changes like Segment, Stage, Step, Assignee or Custom Field changes.
triggerbyzapierWatch project audit changed
Triggers on the major timeline audited changes like Segment, Stage or Step has been changed.
triggerbyintegromatCompany change
Triggers when a company is changed. Triggers on the major timeline audited changes like Segment, Stage, Step, Step Assignee or Custom Field changes.
triggerbyzapierWatch company audit changed
Triggers on the major timeline audited changes like Segment, Stage or Step has been changed.
Create/update a person
Creates or updates a person.
actionbyzapierCreate a person
Creates a new person.
actionbyintegromatCreate todo
Creates a new ToDo.
actionbyzapierCreate a to do
Creates a new to do.
actionbyintegromatCreate/update a company
Creates a company.
actionbyzapierCreate timeline event
Creates a new timeline event e.g. "Ticket Closed" or "Invoice Sent".
Related Categories
Most often, Cloze is integrated with tools from CRM, Email Marketing, Form Builders and Project Management categories.