Calltouch Integrations
How to integrate with Calltouch?
You can integrate with Calltouch using Albato workflow automation platform.
Automation platforms that support Calltouch
Calltouch is supported by 1 workflow automation platform. Automation platforms allow you to integrate Calltouch with many other SaaS applications without developing connectors and dealing with APIs.
Use Albato no-code automation platform to visually design and build your Calltouch workflows.
- Pricing Options
- FreemiumFree Trial
- Starting From
- 16$/month
Supported Calltouch Triggers and Actions
We have collected all Calltouch triggers and actions that you can use to build your workflow.
Below you can find 5 triggers and 23 actions from 1 integration service.
triggerbyalbatoOrder request
Order request
triggerbyalbatoCalltouch action leads
Calltouch action leads
triggerbyalbatoIncoming call
Incoming call
triggerbyalbatoGet deals
Get deals
Call tagging
Call tagging
actionbyalbatoRequest registration
Request registration
actionbyalbatoAdd manager to lead
Add manager to lead
actionbyalbatoLead custom event
Lead custom event
actionbyalbatoNew deal by call id
New deal by call id
actionbyalbatoNew deal by phone number
New deal by phone number