
Albato Integrations

A single platform for all automations

Top Albato integrations

Check out the full list of 742 apps supported by Albato.

Recent updates on Albato

New services published on Albato

  • R

    Albato now supports Routific

    2 months ago

    3 actions

    Routific is now connected to Albato. You can use 3 Routific actions in your integrations, including New Order, Get Order by ID and Update Order by ID.

  • L

    Albato now supports LinkedIn Ads

    2 months ago

    3 triggers1 action

    LinkedIn Ads is now connected to Albato. You can start LinkedIn Ads workflows with the following triggers - New Lead (Sponsored Account) API, Analytics statistics (Sponsored Account) and Analytics statistics (Sponsored Campaign). You can use this LinkedIn Ads action in your integrations - Custom API request.

  • N

    Albato now supports NinjaPipe

    2 months ago

    3 triggers4 actions

    NinjaPipe is now connected to Albato. You can start NinjaPipe workflows with the following triggers - Deal created/updated, Contact created/updated and Task created/updated. You can use 4 NinjaPipe actions in your integrations, including Create task, Custom API request, Create contact or 1 more.

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