TrainerCentral Integrations
How to integrate with TrainerCentral?
You can integrate with TrainerCentral using Zapier workflow automation platform.
Top TrainerCentral integrations
The most popular TrainerCentral integrations are Mailchimp, Zoho Books, Flutterwave, Keap Max Classic and Paystack. Below you can explore a list of popular 11 tools that integrate with TrainerCentral.
Automation platforms that support TrainerCentral
TrainerCentral is supported by 1 workflow automation platform. Automation platforms allow you to integrate TrainerCentral with many other SaaS applications without developing connectors and dealing with APIs.
Use Zapier no-code automation platform to visually design and build your TrainerCentral workflows.
- Pricing Options
- FreemiumFree Trial
- Starting From
- 30$/month
Supported TrainerCentral Triggers and Actions
We have collected all TrainerCentral triggers and actions that you can use to build your workflow.
Below you can find 8 triggers and 5 actions from 1 integration service.
New sign-up to academy
Triggers when a new learner signs up for the academy.
triggerbyzapierCourse completed
Triggers when any learner completes 100% of a course in the academy.
triggerbyzapierTicket purchased
Triggers when a learner pays for any ticket in the academy.
triggerbyzapierCourse enrolled
Triggers when a learner enrolls for a course.
triggerbyzapierLive workshop - learner joined
Triggers for all learners who had joined the live workshop once the session has ended.
triggerbyzapierLive workshop - learner registered
Triggers when a learner registers for a live workshop in an academy
Invite learner to a course
Send an email inviting a learner to join a course.
actionbyzapierRegister a learner to a live workshop
Registers a learner automatically to a created session(which has atleast one free ticket).
actionbyzapierCreate live workshop
Creates a new remote session which you can use to conduct live workshops.
actionbyzapierInvite learner to a live workshop
Sends an email inviting a learner to register for a session.
actionbyzapierInvite learner to an academy
Send an email inviting the learner to join the academy.
Related Categories
Most often, TrainerCentral is integrated with tools from Email Marketing, Payment Processing, Team Chat and Accounting categories.