Text In Church

Text In Church

A church communication software that provides effective email communication and text messaging for churches

Text In Church Pricing, Features, Integrations and Alternatives

Text In Church Overview

What is Text In Church?

Text In Church is a tool in the Church Management category.

Text In Church Alternatives

What are Text In Church alternatives?

Breeze CHMS, Servant Keeper, Elvanto and ACS are the most popular alternatives to Text In Church. Church Management, CRM, Membership Management and Nonprofit CRM are the most popular app categories among Text In Church's alternatives.

We have compiled a list of 14 Text In Church competitors so that you can choose the right tool.

Text In Church integrations

Which tools can be integrated with Text In Church?

Planning Center, Basecamp 3, Mailchimp, Wufoo, Bonjoro, and Asana are the most popular tools that Text In Church integrates with.

Most often, Text In Church is integrated with tools from Form Builders, Project Management, and Task Management categories.

Zapier is the most popular workflow automation service with built-in connectors between Text In Church and other tools.

Explore a list of popular 21 tools that integrate with Text In Church.

Text In Church Triggers and Actions

  • Text In Church

    Person joined group

    Triggers when a person joins a group.

  • Text In Church

    Person created

    Triggers when a new contact is created.

  • Text In Church

    Connect card submitted

    Triggers when a connect card has been submitted.

  • Text In Church

    Create/update person

    Creates a new contact.

  • Text In Church

    Find group

    Finds a group in your account.

  • Text In Church

    Add to group

    Adds a person to a group.

  • Text In Church

    Find person

    Finds a person in your account by email or phone.

  • Text In Church

    Get comments

    Gets comments for a given contact in the system.

  • Text In Church

    Send text message

    Sends a text message.


Frequently Asked Questions

What are Text In Church's top competitors?

Breeze CHMS, Servant Keeper, and Elvanto are the most popular alternatives to Text In Church.

What apps integrate with Text In Church

Planning Center, Basecamp 3, Mailchimp, Wufoo, Bonjoro, and Asana are the most popular tools that Text In Church integrates with.

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