SwiftKanban Integrations
How to integrate with SwiftKanban?
Top SwiftKanban integrations
The most popular SwiftKanban integrations are GitHub, Google Hangouts Chat, Slack, Google Sheets and Gmail. Below you can explore a list of popular 8 tools that integrate with SwiftKanban.
Source Code Management
Automation platforms that support SwiftKanban
SwiftKanban is supported by 2 workflow automation platforms. Automation platforms allow you to integrate SwiftKanban with many other SaaS applications without developing connectors and dealing with APIs.
Use Make.com or Zapier no-code automation platforms to visually design and build your SwiftKanban workflows.
Below we have listed 2 automation platforms that support SwiftKanban.
- Pricing Options
- FreemiumFree Trial
- Starting From
- 10$/month
- Pricing Options
- FreemiumFree Trial
- Starting From
- 30$/month
Supported SwiftKanban Triggers and Actions
We have collected all SwiftKanban triggers and actions that you can use to build your workflow.
Below you can find 4 triggers and 18 actions from 2 integration services.
New card added
Triggers when a new card is added as per the selected SwiftKanban Board and its card type. To know more, click [here](https://www.digite.com/knowledge-base/swiftkanban/article/integrating-swiftkanban-with-zapier/#Triggers).
triggerbyzapierAny notification
Triggers when you receive a new notification that appears under the bell icon. To know more, click [here](https://www.digite.com/knowledge-base/swiftkanban/article/integrating-swiftkanban-with-zapier/#Triggers).
triggerbyzapierCard archived
Triggers when a card is archived as per the selected SwiftKanban Board and its card type. To know more, click [here](https://www.digite.com/knowledge-base/swiftkanban/article/integrating-swiftkanban-with-zapier/#Triggers).
triggerbyzapierCard updated
Triggers when a card is updated as per the selected SwiftKanban Board and its card type. To know more, click [here](https://www.digite.com/knowledge-base/swiftkanban/article/integrating-swiftkanban-with-zapier/#Triggers).
Create card
Adds a new card on a specific board as per the selected card type.
actionbyzapierCreate a card
Creates a card at the specified board.
actionbyintegromatAdd comment
Writes a new comment on the selected card.
actionbyzapierArchive card
Archives a card and it will no longer be available on the board.
actionbyzapierFind board
Finds the SwiftKanban board by name.
actionbyzapierFind or create card
Finds a card in your Swift Kanban by name,given a specified board and card type.
Related Categories
Most often, SwiftKanban is integrated with tools from Source Code Management, Collaboration, Team Chat and Spreadsheets categories.