
OneSimpleApi Integrations

An online toolbox with PDF generation, currency exchange, QR codes, screenshots and more

How to integrate with OneSimpleApi?

You can integrate with OneSimpleApi using 3 automation platforms such as, Zapier or Integrately.

Automation platforms that support OneSimpleApi

OneSimpleApi is supported by 3 workflow automation platforms. Automation platforms allow you to integrate OneSimpleApi with many other SaaS applications without developing connectors and dealing with APIs.

Use, Zapier or Integrately no-code automation platforms to visually design and build your OneSimpleApi workflows.

Below we have listed 3 automation platforms that support OneSimpleApi.

Supported OneSimpleApi Triggers and Actions

We have collected all OneSimpleApi triggers and actions that you can use to build your workflow.

Below you can find 42 actions from 3 integration services.

    • OneSimpleApi

      Retrieve web page meta data

      Retrieves Title, Description, Meta Tags, Open Graph, and Twitter Card details from an URL.

    • OneSimpleApi

      Validate an email address

      Validates an email address to weed out throwaway addresses, invalid domains, and non-canonical addresses.

    • OneSimpleApi

      Calculate discount using ppp

      Provide fair discounts to your users based on PPP (Purchase Power Parity). Also included is the exchange rate for the customer's currency.

    • OneSimpleApi

      Optimize, resize and deliver images via cdn

      Image manipulation doesn't have to be hard. This API makes it super simple to adapt your images and then deliver them using a Content Delivery Network.OneSimpleApi will automatically resize, crop, optimize, add filters, host, and deliver your images.

    • OneSimpleApi

      Create pdf from html

      Creates a PDF file from an HTML string. It can have embedded CSS or a link to a CSS file. Make sure that all external elements (images, CSS, etc) have absolute paths.

    • OneSimpleApi

      Create image from html

      Creates a Screenshot Image from an HTML string. It can have embedded CSS or a link to a CSS file. Make sure that all external elements (images, CSS, etc) have absolute paths.


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