How to integrate with Easelly?

You can integrate with Easelly using or Zapier workflow automation platforms.

Top Easelly integrations

The most popular Easelly integrations are Google Sheets and MySQL.

Automation platforms that support Easelly

Easelly is supported by 2 workflow automation platforms. Automation platforms allow you to integrate Easelly with many other SaaS applications without developing connectors and dealing with APIs.

Use or Zapier no-code automation platforms to visually design and build your Easelly workflows.

Below we have listed 2 automation platforms that support Easelly.

Supported Easelly Triggers and Actions

We have collected all Easelly triggers and actions that you can use to build your workflow.

Below you can find 8 actions from 2 integration services.

    • Easelly

      Generate download url

      Generates infographic download URL in PDF, PNG, JPG or SVG format with the modified content in tag, fill or src by the given Canvas ID.

    • Easelly

      Generate a json

      Retrieves the infographic’s object or information that has tag in json format.

    • Easelly

      Generate an infographic

      Copies infographic by the given canvas ID and generates a new one with the modified content in tag, fill or src.

    • Easelly

      Generate an svg

      Generates infographic in SVG format with the modified content in tag, fill or src by the given canvas ID.

    • Easelly

      Generate an image

      Generates infographic in PNG format with the modified content in tag, fill or src by the given canvas ID.

    • Easelly

      Generate a pdf

      Generates infographic in PDF format with the modified content in tag, fill or src by the given canvas ID.


    Related Categories

    Most often, Easelly is integrated with tools from Spreadsheets and Databases categories.

    This page was last updated on