Disparo PRO
Disparo PRO Pricing, Features, Integrations and Alternatives
Disparo PRO Overview
What is Disparo PRO?
Disparo PRO is a tool in the CRM category.
Disparo PRO integrations
Which tools can be integrated with Disparo PRO?
Pipedrive, Airtable, and Google Forms are the most popular tools that Disparo PRO integrates with.
Most often, Disparo PRO is integrated with tools from CRM, Spreadsheets, and Form Builders categories.
Zapier and Integromat are the most popular workflow automation services with built-in connectors between Disparo PRO and other tools.
Explore a list of popular 3 tools that integrate with Disparo PRO.
Disparo PRO Triggers and Actions
Status sms
Triggers when a sms status is changed.
triggerbyzapierResponse sms
Triggers when a SMS is answered.
triggerbyzapierInformações pessoa
Obter Infromações da Pessoa.
triggerbyintegromatInformações do status sms
Obtêm as informações do status dos SMS's, como por exemplo, se o SMS foi enviado pelo servidor ou se houve alguma falha, etc.
triggerbyintegromatRespostas sms's
Obter as Respostas dos SMS's que foram disparados.
Enviar sms
Essa ação irá disparar SMS's para os números desejados.
actionbyintegromatSend sms
Sends a new SMS
Frequently Asked Questions
What apps integrate with Disparo PRO
- Pipedrive, Airtable, and Google Forms are the most popular tools that Disparo PRO integrates with.